Reputation Management for your Business.

Reputation Management for your Business.
Your online reputation has become one of the most precious commodities for your business. Managing it can be a bit hit and miss, unless you dedicate time and resources to it.
What is Online Reputation?
Online reputation goes a long way to measuring the trustworthiness of your business. It is probably one of the strongest measures customers use to decide which business to use, particularly in the service industry. There are a couple of systems used to determine your “Reputation Score”. The Star review and the written review. Often, they are linked together, however, many just leave a star review without elaborating further.
Reviews by your peers act as a recommendation to those searching for a business to help them. Put simply, you wouldn’t go to someone for help if all those who have used them before tell you they did a bad job or treated you badly. Leveraging this to promote your business can be a tricky task, ultimately it means cultivating many reviews for your business.
How can I get a better Reputation Score (Star Rating)
Systemise and Automate
If you want an automated way to ask customers to leave you a review, I can help with that. I have a software package that can automate the review request process, leaving you with a ever growing review count. This package can also interrupt the review, allowing you to question why a poor review was left and amend the issue, before asking them to adjust the review to reflect the actions of your business.
A high review count and high positive rating will look good for your business to potential clients as well as being a strong indicator for your ranking in the Google Business Profile Listing.
Need some help?
If you are ready to check out the Reputation Management Package with Local Internet Presence Services, book a call here.
The next level of this package is to fully automate the process and use A.I. to chat with all incoming requests and guide potential clients to call in or book an appointment.

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